Around March, the first signs of the summer season appear in several places in India. In the midst of the hot and humid weather, the only thing that provides relief is a cool sherbet made from curd, lemon, or any seasonal berries and fruits.
Although sherbet (sherbet/sharbat), generally referred to as the world’s first soft drink, is based on the Persian sharbat — a sugary mixture laced with flowers and fruits – its influence in India began to emerge during the Mughal era. According to legend, Mughal ruler Babur would send servants to the Himalayan heights to acquire new ice for him to manufacture sharbat.
Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, is also credited with the development of sharbat in some manuscripts. Whatever their origins, sharbat, squashes, and other locally produced beverages have satisfied our thirst and senses for millennia.
So it’s no surprise that India has a long list of drinks or coolers that transcend the seasons and delight us with flavour, reminiscence, and pure joy.
Here are a few traditional summer drinks that you must try:

Jaljeera is traditionally offered chilled as a welcome drink in the summer and is also consumed right before a meal because it is thought to have tremendous appealing properties.
It is an excellent coolant, removing excess heat produced by the body during the hot summer months. The fundamental ingredients of Jaljeera are black salt, cumin, ginger, lemon, mint, dry mango powder, lemon juice, dried coriander leaves, ginger powder, and water.
Aam Panna

Aam Panna, also known as Aam Jhora, is a refreshing Indian beverage. Aam Panna is beneficial to your immune system. It aids in the battle against microorganisms in the body that causes health issues. Drinking aam Panna also helps to avoid different ailments.
It is a pleasant and healthful beverage made from fresh mangoes that range in colour from yellow to light green and is drunk to combat the harsh Indian summer heat. Mint leaves are frequently added to the drink to give it a more vibrant green colour.

Lassi is a popular, healthful, and refreshing drink that is enjoyed by many people in India. This classic drink is one of the easiest refreshing summer drinks to make, and it’s rich with nutrients and vitamins that are good for your health. Lassi is made by combining water and Dahi (yoghurt).
Because lassi is made from yoghurt or dahi, it is thought to be good for our digestive system.
It’s easy on the stomach and contains lactobacilli, which are good bacteria that help digestion by lubricating the intestines. Lassi is a natural and healthy way to relieve stomach bloating.
Sol Kadi

The relaxing digestive drink solkadhi (solkadi) or kokum curry is popular in Goa and Maharashtra (Konkan Region). It’s made with coconut milk and dried kokum fruit.
After eating spicy cuisine, sol kadi soothes the digestive system. It works as a natural digestion aid. Moreover, kokum is said to be a great antidote for acidity.
Babri Beol

Babri Beol means “seeds of Babur” in Kashmiri, because it is what basil seeds (sabja seeds) were known as in ancient India, and it was Babur, the first mughal monarch, who introduced them to the people.
Babri Beol Thresh (sherbert), a traditional Kashmiri beverage, is produced from simple components such as milk, water, basil seeds, and coconut slices. This modest sherbert is widely sold on sidewalks throughout the valley, providing a nice break for exhausted merchants who have been walking for days on end.